The 2006 Carnaval countdown has just started

The Federation of Clubs has published an advance summary of their principal shows

Two beautiful moments that reflects Carnaval´s pomp

Two beautiful moments that reflects Carnaval´s pomp.

Preparations for the upcoming Carnaval 2006 can be already be seen and noted in our streets. The Federation of Carnaval Clubs have also published the bases for the XII Literaty Contest. In the same way, last August the Federation of Carnaval Clubs took the first steps with a selection of advertising posters, a Character Show and a photografic contest. Actually a whole month and a half away from the festivity the Federation has made public an advance programme of all the shows that are due this year . They have also advised the dates and places where the shows will take place; and first of all, the popular “Suelta de la Mussona” starting signal for the Carnaval 2006:
Saturday, 18th of February: Great Gala of Exchange of Powers by the Carnaval Characters 2005 y 2006.

Place: Covered Section of the town´s Sports Centre “Agustín Muñoz”. 21.00 Hrs.

Sunday 19th of February: “XII Duatlón Carnaval of Águilas 2006”

Place: Nautic Club, 11.00 Hrs.

Sunday, 19th of February: “VI PAPERCOSTUME CONTEST”. Fancy costume .

Place: Covered Section of the town´s Sports Centre “Agustín Muñoz”. (Hour to be determined).
Tuesday, 21st of February: Jury´s decision and awards of the “XII LITERARYCONTEST, CARNAVAL OF ÁGUILAS 2006” and presentation of the “OFFICIAL BOOK CARNAVAL 2006”.

Place: Casa de la Cultura “Francisco Rabal”, 21.00 hrs.
Wednesday, 22nd of February: “XII Drawing and School Essays Contest”.

Place: Casa la Cultura “Francisco Rabal”, 19,00 hrs.

Thursday 23rd of February: “VIII SUELTA DE LA MUSSONA”.
Place: Feet of the Castle 22.30 hrs. Will reach the Glorieta 23.45 hrs.

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