Christmas concert by the Banda Titular
The Assembly Room of the Casa de Cultura was the choosen setting for the performance

Members of the band organized a very original moment.
The Banda Titular that belongs to the Music Trust of Aguilas Francisco Díaz Romero offered, this past 29th of December, an Extraordinary Christmas Concert, being the conductor Juan Rojo García. All the members of this musical group created great excitement in the audience with the performance of the compositions “Symphony number 45”, “El Quijote”, “The Toy Sym phony” and “Call to Heros” amongst others.
Besides, and as a novelty this year, the members of the Band organized a very original setting: they lit up the stage with candles while performing “Symphony number 45”. In this way they wished to recreate the historical period that it belongs to.
We would also like to highlight the performance of Alonso Paredes with the masterpiece “El Quijote”.
Alonso Paredes was the narrator of a selection of passages of this great novel with the musical background of the band.
The performance came to an end with the Hymn “Águilas, Paraíso del Mediterráneo” (Águilas, Mediterranean Paradise”) and with the rapturous ovation from the audiencia, that once more, was very satisfied with the performance of the band.
There has been many acts programmed for this Christmas Season by the Musical Trust of Águilas, all counting with great acceptance.