Concluded the formation programme for foreigners
All those that assisted the training programme have expressed a great interest in the contents of this course

The Town Councillor of Social Services awarding a diploma.
The programme of training action entitled “Career Guidance for Immigrants and Institucional Relations” concluded last Thursday, 29th of December with the act of submission of supporting diplomas to all those that were enroled in this course The Town Councillor of Social Services , Belén García, was the person in charge of handing over the diplomas, and she has described the results of this programme as “a fabulous mechanism for integration”, at the same time she has highlighted that “with this type of course a quality training is given to immigrants from an intelectual point of view and they learn how to be able to apply for a job for which they are qualified”.
On the other hand, Victoria Guzón Marín, who has been the teacher in charge of this course, has declared that all those that have assisted, have expressed a great interest in the contents of this programme and she also added that these courses are very important because they help immigrants not to feel so lost and helpless, they do not know their rights or obligations and they just sign where they are told and with this type ofcourse we offer them information that they can use, if they wish to do so and demand respect for their rights.”
Belén García expressed and highlighted how rewarding it is to be able to be part of this training programme.