Cultural activities

The bases to participate in the XII Literary Contest “Carnaval of Águilas 2006”, are available

The Federation of Carna val Clubs has published the bases for the XII Literary Contest “Carnaval of Águilas 2006” and it has the generic theme “Carnaval of Águilas”.

In the category of “Poems”, all those wishing to participate must send their poem which must be no longer that one side, of page size DIN A4. Type of composition is free.
In the category of “Prose”, the applicants must present their works that should not be more than two pages, on one side, of DIN A4.

In the category “Poems.Tenth” the theme is exclusively about “Cuerva” (traditional alcoholic drink made with red wine, spirits and with fruit, normally oranges, lemons, apples and peaches). The extension, as it is natural, must be as it is indicated in the epigraph.

All works must be original and not previously published or presented to other contests of similar features.

The Federation has the right to publish them or to make them known by any means of broadcasting.

The dates of the Carnaval ´06

The most outstanding dates of the festival, once the “Suelta de la Mussona” (Freedom of the Beast) has taken place, are the parades that take place on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, besides the Gala of Exchange of Powers that will take place on the previous Saturday to these parades.

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