The Town Hall sends 6000 Euros to the victims
The cheques will be sent to all those Red Cross programmes in Pakistán and Guatemala

The Red Cross in actino.
The Mayor of Águilas, Juan Ramírez, and the Councillor of Culture, Clara Valverde, handed over on Wednesday morning, the 18th of January, two cheques of 3.000 Euros to the Spanish Red Cross coordinator in Águilas, Miguel Molina. These cheques will be sent to the “Help Programmes” that the Spanish Red Cross is developing in Guatemala and Pakistán.
During the event, Molina made us all remember the devastating effects that, not only the earthquake of magnitude 7.6 that desolated Cachemira, but also the hurricane Stan that passed through Guatemala.
In the same way, the Red Cross coordinator itemized all the different humanitarian actions that are being carried out in both countries: “In Pakistan, the situation today is of a post-emergency phase, so the help that the Town Hall of Aguilas is granting will be dedicated to the realization of a specific programme, yet to be decided. In the case of Guatemala, the Red Cross action has been planned to cover, amongst others, basic family needs, to carry out recovery actions and also to reduce the impact of future disasters.” Molina declared.
The Mayor highlighted the Red Cross´s ability to help in case of a catastrophe
The Mayor, Juan Ramírez, has also pointed out that “the Town Hall, within its limits and counting on the 0,7% that is part of the budget that legally must be used for humanitarian projects, has wished to make a goodwill gesture in this area”, besides, Ramírez has indicated that “this donation is going to be used to cover urgent, basic needs. This will be used to send aid to people who are in total need of help to be able to overcome a catastrophe”.
The Mayor also wished to highlight all the actions carried out by the Red Cross organization in all those places where help is needed, “it is an association that always is the first to reach all those disaster areas” he declared.