The artisans are getting ready the paper costumes
An interesting contest that gains followers year after year, quality in its elements and brightness

Moments of last year´s contest.
For one more year, paper costumes will shine again this Carnival, thanks to almost 20 people, who belong to the dressmaking workshop are deep into the preparations, so that everything will be ready for the 19th of February. This year, and according to Ernesto, who is a member of the Federation and one of the coordinators of this contest, “less costumes will be made than last year.
We have planned to make only six or seven, but everything depends on how much time we have left. The reason for the decrease in the number of designs is because of the problem to find adequate premises where the dressmaking can be done. Due to their volume we need big premises to be able to finish them appropiately”. Ernesto has declared.
The paper costume contest has its origin in the year 1983, though in that occasion and because it did not work out all right, it was abandoned. Years later the Carnival Group Federation, looking for something new, decided to resurrect this contest, and on that occasion, it was well received by the public and therefore, it has attained its sixth edition.Besides, if there is anything that sets apart this contest it is the huge support that it receives from commercial establishments, “ this year more sponsors have offered themselves than the number of costumes that will be made” Ernesto has emphasize.
Work, work, work above all
The person in charge of coordinating this contest wishes to emphasize the important part that people play in helping in the making of the costumes. They do it just “for the fun of it, we should not forget that the commercial establishments help only in providing the materials for their making.”Notwithstanding, the best prize is the spectacular reception given by the public.