The II Amateur Theater Contest “Francisco Rabal” is on its way

The first play to be acted was the staging of the group Calandraca “It is not so easy”.

The II Nacional Contest of the Amateur Theater “Paco Rabal” commenced last weekend, accompanied with great excitement of many residents and turists of Aguilas, following the great success of the first ocasión.

Amongst those present, were many representatives of Aguila´s social life, political authorities and citizens, and those related to local theater, actors and directors.

The contest, that is now one of the cultural events of the town, commenced with an original staging in front of “La Casa de la Cultura” (the Cultural Center). It was performed by the company “Mamakiska”, their entertaining acting, where actors mix up with the public, Mamakiska carried out an allegory of the origins of theater, going through all its different phases, up to the present day. At the end of the allegory, which included fire, those present settled down in the assembly room of the Casa de la Cultura, where the first of the four plays that take part in the contest, was played.

Minutes before, the contest was opened formally by Santiago Velasco, Juan Ramirez (Mayor) and Clara Valverde (Cultural Counciller), inviting everyone to the plays that will take place, every Saturday, during the month of November.

The play started around eight thirty. The staging called “No es tan fácil” (It is not so easy) by the company Calandraca Teatro, was a very original comedy. It managed to obtain roars of laughter from all those present thanks to the faultless performance of its four actors.

Directed by Helia Gavaldá and based on the script of Paco Mir, who belongs to the Tricicle company, the acThe local company Mamakiska during recreation in the streettion takes place in a bar, where a young man with the help of a waiter, is trying to find the best way of leaving his wife. With this plot, many funny situations kept the audience entertained. Without doubt, this first play was a complete success, and gave everybody hunger for more theater next week.

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