Garden talks in El Portajo
Christmas will be the main figure for the following five demonstrations

In the image, Ortiz during a talk.
Last Sunday the 13th,around noon, El Portajo continued with their garden demonstrations with one of the most interesting theoretical and practical talks of the programme: “Composition with plants”.
Gines Ortiz, director of El Portajo and a very famous professional and teacher, was the responsible for imparting this demonstration, where the principal subject was the inclusion of plants as a decorative item: for a celebration, in an office or a home.
Ortiz talked about the new trends, where colour and the cleanness of apperance when combined, are the most important points for the professional and amateur enthusiast.
Above all, the students learned good habits when making a flower composition: types of plants that are more appropriate, the necessary amount of soil and the most used decorative elements that can be combined in these compositions.
Without doubt, this lecture room of the Nature Centre of El Portajo, since it opened its doors this past month of June, is starting to be a must for all those garden lovers in the area.
The theoretical-practical demonstration program of El Portajo will continue through this month of November with the following talks: “Ciclamen (the colour of winter)” and “Poinsetia (how to take care of your plant”). They will take place on the 20th and 27th. During the month of December, Christmas is without doubt, the absolute star of El Portajo with several subjects. The planned demonstrations are: “How to decorate our house in Christmas”, “Christmas table centrepiece” and “Christmas trees (trends in decoration).