Local Police celebrate the festivity of their patron
Festive acts culminated last Wednesday with the celebration of Holy Mass in the Church San Jose

The Chief Officer of the Local Police and his wife.
The activities programme that the Local Police has carried out due to the festivity of Our Lady of the Inmaculate Conception, patron of the police force, culminated last Wednesday with the celebration of Holy Mass.
The liturgical act was distinguished by an active participation of police officers and by the attendence of their families and friends and also, by many representatives of the local government as the Mayor Juan Ramírez. Also, senior officials from different towns of Murcia as the responsible of the police force in Abarán, Serafín García, from Alhama, José Martínez, and from Fuente Álamo, Francisco Javier Martínez.
During the religious ceremony, that included the performance of the choir of the Housewife Association “Virgen de los Dolores” , a floral tribute was offered by members of the police who also read the Holy Scripture.
This act was the finishing touch of a programme that commenced on December the first and that has been full of different activities such as sport competitions and brotherhood meetings.
A dinner was held the previous night and united those police members that are active as those that have already retired.
During the dinner, different awards were given in recognition to agents that are now retired and, also, sport awards and trophies for the winners of the competitions that have been held.
The Chief Officer of the Local Police , José Luis Sánchez, in name of all the members, expressed his gratitude to all those persons and organizations that have helped and given them support throughout the year and that have made possible that this activity programme 2005 has been such a huge success.