Hotel occupancy in New Year´s Eve will be of a100%
The autonomous region of Valencia is who contributes with more turists during the Christmas holidays

Reception area of one of the local hotels.
The town of Aguilas is the chosen destination by many turists to spend the last night of the year according to the data provided by various local hotel establishments, having up to the moment, an occupancy for the night of the 31st of December, of a 100%.
This information contrasts with the provisions for the rest of the Christmas season, figures that are about a 15%, and though these numbers are still low, they involve a slight increase if we compare it to the year 2004, according to our sources in the Hotel Calareal.
On the other hand, the local Turism Office has informed that a great number of tourists , that are visiting Aguilas these days, are or will be of German and English nationality.
Although, as the person in charge of the Turist Office pointed out “they will not be, strictly speaking, tourists. They are foreigners that have established their residency in Aguilas during the winter season and they normally have a residence in the area, either rented or in property”.
As we all know, one of the attractions of this beautiful little town is the weather, with mild temperatures and sunny days. Winters that are very different from the rest of Europe.
New Year´s Eve parties
One of the most important attractions that local hotels offer for the last night of the year is the celebration of parties to bring in the New Year. The hotels Calareal, Don Juan and Don Miguel have prepared special dinners for this last night. Afterwards, every body will be able to have the traditional twelve grapes that are eaten at midnight called the “lucky grapes” and to join in the dance. All these parties will be liven up by dance bands that will guarantee the enjoyment