Muebles Gabi celebrates their anniversary
The party took place last Sunday in their premises in Purias and included a raffle

The manager, Gabi Müller, with the winners of the first prize.
The company Muebles Gabi celebrated this last Sunday, the 18th, their great birthday contest, due to the second anniversary of this firm, experts in the sector. The raffle was held in the course of an entertaining `party, where the managers of the firm were excellent hosts to all those present.
The raffle had three big prizes: the first one consisted of a relax armchair (valued in 799 Euros).
The second winner received a Charly armchair (valued in 85 Euros) and the third prize consisted of a multipurpose mattress with a price of 40 Euros.
With no doubt, the prize ceremony was the crowning moment of the party, as the expectation of all those present was huge faced with an event that does not normally happen in normal companies in the area.
The prizes consisted of a Charly armchair and of a multipurpose mattress
Apart from that, the celebration of the party was carried out in a pleasant international atmosphere, accompanied by an environment dominated by German kitchens and other quality furniture that completes the extense range of furniture offered by Muebles Gabi.
This popular furniture company has spacious installations in a big industrial building located in El Cruce de Pulpí, (Purias) where it will be easy to find any item that we may need for our homes with special prices and offers.