Pupils from Aguilas visit the Town Hall
The winners of the contest “Traveller of the year 2006” presented the Mayor with a badge

In the centre, one of the winners of the contest.
The winners of the contest “Traveller of the year 2006” presented the Mayor with a badge. The winners of the drawing contest “Traveller of the year 2006” were received by the Mayor of Aguilas, Juan Ramírez, to whom they presented a commemorative badge of the visit.
Javier Sánchez, from the local school Urci, and Victoria Navarro, also from the local shool María Inmaculada, were the winners in this occasion of the contest and they visited the Town Hall with their schoolmates and teachers. Also, during their visit, they were accompanied by Miguel Losilla, president of the Cultural Association of the Railway Friends “El Labradorcico”, which was the group that organized this event. They were also accompanied by Huertas Pérez, Miss Railway 2005.
Amongst these children was Cristina Picón from the local school Urci, whose drawing has been used to illustrate this year´s Christmas card for the Association “El labradorcico”.
This visit is only one of the different events that these children, that participated in the contest, will enjoy. They will also go to the cinema “El Hornillo” and they will travell to Murcia to visit the Palacio de San Esteban (Saint Stefan´s Palace). This last activity will be made so the little ones will be able to travel by train, some for the first time.