Thousands of little ones live with the magic of Santa Claus
The little ones, full of excitement, await Santa Claus in the Town may

Two little one with Santa.
Popular Santa Claus visited, one more year, our town last Friday. He spreaded joy and excitement in the hearts of thousands off boys and girls that awaited, full of anxiety, his arrival. Around seven o´clock in the afternoon, the main streets in Aguilas were crowded with children and their parents to be able to see Santa´s huge sleigh. He was accompanied by his traditional retinue: friendly reindeers and different dance groups.
Once they reached the Town Hall´s main doors, Santa Claus was welcomed and received by the Mayor, Juan Ramírez.
The Mayor was Santa Claus´s host, he accompanied his guest to the Town Hall´s balustrade where they both waved and greeted all the little ones that crowded, as we said before, the square opposite the Town Hall.
The Mayor, became the first child emissary of the holiday and passed on to the little ones words of hope “because I am sure that your behaviour during all this year has been good, not only in school and with your families but also with your friends, so I have informed, personally, of your addresses to Santa Claus so he will be able to deliver you many presents tomorrow” declared Ramírez.
After this warm welcome and once on stage, that was placed in the central square to receive him, this dearly loved celebrity took possession of his throne and he inmediately introduced the performance of a corps de ballet, that as we informed at the beginning of this article, belonged to the retinue of this famous miracle worker.
This magical night ended with happy children handing in their letters to Santa Claus. They all waited patiently in very long queues.
At the same time as they handed in their letters, they also received presents that came out of Santa´s prodigious huge sack.
For almost two hours, children were the stars of the show.