Winners of the Nativity Scene Contest awarded
For the second year in a row, the Lunnis are still favourites with children in Aguilas

The President of the Association with the Director of the Housewife Choir.
One more year, the Housewife and Consumer Association of Águilas celebrate their traditional Nativity Scene Contest.
This year, that is their ninth anniversary, thirty works have been presented. Those that have received a prize for Best Nativity Scene in the categories of Family Nativity Scene, Exhibition, School and also Most Original Nativity Scene
The celebration of the event, was preceded by the performance of the Housewife Choir that delighted all those assisting with a collection of Christmas Carols.
During the event, they welcomend all the new members of the Choir and they also invited “all those who wish to join them” as their Director declared.
This year and following the tradition, the persons responsible of making public the jury´s decision were the Mayor of Águilas, Juan Ramírez, the Town Councillor of Culture, Clara Valverde, and the President of AMIA, Pepi Moreno. The winners were Ismael Cano that received the trophy for the Best Family Nativity Scene, Joaquín García Domínguez who received the trophy for the Best Exhibition, Urci School as the Best of Schools and Encarni Ruiz Hernández who received the trophy for the Most Original Nativity Scene. Congratulations.