The party took place last Sunday in their premises in Purias and included a raffle
The manager, Gabi Müller, with the winners of the first prize.
The company Muebles Gabi celebrated this last Sunday, the 18th, their great birthday contest, due to the second anniversary of this firm, experts…
Lee mas...
- OPINIÓN: «No más brecha salarial de género»
- Los daños por las lluvias superan el medio millón de euros, con especial afección a la red de caminos y carreteras y al suministro de agua potable en Ramonete
- Lorca presenta la programación de la Feria del Libro, con 30 expositores y decenas de actividades para todos los públicos
- Sube el paro en la Comarca del Guadalentín, pero con cifras récord de cotizantes y recaudación
- La joven bailaora lumbrerense Noemí Ayala será reconocida con el galardón ‘Mujer relevante de Puerto Lumbreras’ con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer
- La FOMLorca reconocerá este domingo el compromiso con la igualdad de numerosas mujeres con la entrega de los premios 8M “Ángela Ruiz”
- La rambla de Tiata de Lorca aspira a convertirse en el mejor corredor verde de la Región de Murcia
- La Región cuenta con casi 4.000 personas desempleadas menos y 16.032 afiliaciones más que hace un año
- El Ayuntamiento de Lorca mantiene activado el Plan INUNLOR en fase de preemergencia ante el nivel amarillo por lluvias
- ¿Cómo funciona la cotización de un auto?
News in English
Some local news offered in English.
Hotel occupancy in New Year´s Eve will be of a100%
The autonomous region of Valencia is who contributes with more turists during the Christmas holidays
Reception area of one of the local hotels.
The town of Aguilas is the chosen destination by many turists to spend the last night of…
Pupils from Aguilas visit the Town Hall
The winners of the contest “Traveller of the year 2006” presented the Mayor with a badge
In the centre, one of the winners of the contest.
The winners of the contest “Traveller of the year 2006” presented the Mayor with a badge.…
New “chocolate party” with no sugar organized by ADIA
The target of this initiative is to inform all those with diabetes about suitable diets
In the centre, the president of ADIA, receives a cup of chocolate.
ADIA, Diabetics of Aguilas, celebrated last Sunday with a great success…
Isabel Miras shows “Water dreams”
The wide range of styles is one of Miras virtues seen in this show
The exhibition hall Manuel Coronado of the Casa de Cultura Francisco Rabal receives the exhibition of paintings “Los sueños del Agua” (Water Dreams) belonging to the…
The Sunday flea-market of Calabardina in Águilas
This last Sunday, 4th of December, stalls were installed in the Plaza of Alfonso Escamez
A stall in the square of Alfonso Escámez
Last Sunday, 4th of December, the Plaza of Alfonso Escámez was the centre of attention of…