News in English

Some local news offered in English.

The party took place last Sunday in their premises in Purias and included a raffle The manager, Gabi Müller, with the winners of the first prize. The company Muebles Gabi celebrated this last Sunday, the 18th, their great birthday contest, due to the second anniversary of this firm, experts…
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Pupils from Aguilas visit the Town Hall

The winners of the contest “Traveller of the year 2006” presented the Mayor with a badge In the centre, one of the winners of the contest. The winners of the contest “Traveller of the year 2006” presented the Mayor with a badge.…

Isabel Miras shows “Water dreams”

The wide range of styles is one of Miras virtues seen in this show The exhibition hall Manuel Coronado of the Casa de Cultura Francisco Rabal receives the exhibition of paintings “Los sueños del Agua” (Water Dreams) belonging to the…

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