Guaranteed success. They have received first prize in the Theater contest of Roquetas
A snapshot taken during the play
The II Amateur Theater Contest “Francisco Rabal” is in progress, providing “laughter all the way”. Both finalists plays, played up to now, “It´s not so easy” and “No censure”…
Lee mas...
- OPINIÓN: «No más brecha salarial de género»
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- Lorca presenta la programación de la Feria del Libro, con 30 expositores y decenas de actividades para todos los públicos
- Sube el paro en la Comarca del Guadalentín, pero con cifras récord de cotizantes y recaudación
- La joven bailaora lumbrerense Noemí Ayala será reconocida con el galardón ‘Mujer relevante de Puerto Lumbreras’ con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer
- La FOMLorca reconocerá este domingo el compromiso con la igualdad de numerosas mujeres con la entrega de los premios 8M “Ángela Ruiz”
- La rambla de Tiata de Lorca aspira a convertirse en el mejor corredor verde de la Región de Murcia
- La Región cuenta con casi 4.000 personas desempleadas menos y 16.032 afiliaciones más que hace un año
- El Ayuntamiento de Lorca mantiene activado el Plan INUNLOR en fase de preemergencia ante el nivel amarillo por lluvias
- ¿Cómo funciona la cotización de un auto?
News in English
Some local news offered in English.
The Trust celebrates the festivity of Saint Cecilia
Music in films was the star of the Extraordinary Concert played by the Juvenile Band last Saturday.
Due to the celebration of Saint Cecilia this past Tuesday, which is the patron saint of music, the Musical Trust of Aguilas, like every…
Immigration has increased in Aguilas considerably
There has been a notable increase of rumanian immigrants compared to last year
In the picture, “Inmigration Programme” in Águilas.
Aguilas has registered a considerable increase of immigrants compared to those registered in 2004.…
The bust representing King Charles III is now placed in La Glorieta
It is the third work that has made for Aguilas. Others are the monument dedicated to the Woman of Aguilas and the bust of Francisco Rabal
The bust that the sculptor Santiago de Santiago has created for our town is now placed in the…
The II Amateur Theater Contest “Francisco Rabal” is on its way
The first play to be acted was the staging of the group Calandraca “It is not so easy”.
The II Nacional Contest of the Amateur Theater “Paco Rabal” commenced last weekend, accompanied with great excitement of many residents and turists…